Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I finally got around to donating blood today for the first time.  Satisfactory to have done my part, not so satisfactory actually experiencing it.  Don't get me wrong the staff and nurses were great, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it.  I went on my lunch break thinking it would be an hour or so.  It takes a little longer if you almost faint and barf on yourself.  I even made sure to hydrate and eat lots before... But hovering on the weight restriction is probably less than ideal - they take the same amount from me as a 250 pound gorilla of a human.  At least I made the 'unit' before they ran over and ripped out the tube when it went sideways (I was pleased about that). 3 juice boxes and 45 minutes later I floated back to work and was really unproductive and tired for the rest of the afternoon.

Note to self: do not donate on a weekday when you have things to do!

Okay, now it's your turn.

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